The High-Capacity Adaptive Swing Seat offers all the benefits of a typical, single-bay swing seat, with a focus on supporting adults and children with disabilities, two groups who aren’t always able to find play equipment that suits their individual needs. One of our most highly-requested designs, the High-Capacity Adaptive Swing Seat includes hardware, chains, and a harness. We’re delighted to offer it as an inclusive, useful alternative to our line of traditional swing seats for 8 foot bays. The High-Capacity Adaptive Swing Seat is a great way to accommodate a wide range of users, including adults. This seat requires an 8 foot high swing bay and an unimpeded 96-inch wide top rail. Take a look at our Single Post and Arch Post Adaptive Swings, designed to perfectly accommodate the Adaptive Swing Seat.
Note: The adaptive swing seat can't be combined in the same bay as infant buckets or belts, nor attached to cantilever arms of a swing set. Instead, you must have the adaptive swing seat in its own bay, while other bays may have belts or bucket seats.